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Yes, the higher the mileage the lower the value. A professional will always value according to the odometer reading and condition. Condition is as important as mileage.
How do you know that you are not paying a price which does not correspond with the value of the car. Whether you are buying from a dealer or private individual, you always need to verify the true market value.
Yes, you may not realize how much your car is really worth. A dealer or consumer will try and buy the car as cheap as possible. You also do not want to overprice your car and not sell it!
Go to the web site
Enter the unique valuation number mentioned on the right bottom of the certificate.
The website will inform you if the certificate is authentic yes or no.
There are security features on the certificate. You can check these on the website (link).
The certificate is valid for thirty days from the date it was issued.
When using a car after having driven during the validity of the CVC, that exposes the vehicle to possible accident, damage, depreciation and additional mileage. All these effect the value of the vehicle, which is why the CVC can’t be valid for more than one month as testing results are valid only till vehicles leave the testing station.
You can obtain a Certificate from the RTA approved Testing stations listed in "Where to Find US" .
Car Valuation Certificate is accepted by most of the banks and finance companies operating in U.A.E. However you should check with the CVC desk or just contact us.
Yes, if you need to finance or auction a vehicle you need to pass the technical test through one of the approved testing stations.
The values given are accurate real life values generated through the online Car Valuation System of Autodata. However when clients have a complaint, they can address this through our website There is an online contact form that needs to be filled out. Complaints will be followed up by the Autodata Valuation team. When complaints are valid and within the terms and conditions stated by, a certificate will be re-issued within 48 hours.
You can buy a new certificate.
Yes, within 30 days of issuing the Car Valuation Certificate you may get a new Car Valuation Certificate addressed to another bank. Only the bank name will be altered on this certificate. There are no costs involved for this.
Your vehicle should pass the mandatory test by RTA.

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