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Know the right value for the right car!
Avoid any risk!

For most of us, buying a car in the UAE will be our biggest investment. Market research shows that the demand for used cars is on par with demand for new cars. If you are looking to buy a used car, you must avoid any risk of paying excessively.

By getting a car valuation certificate, you will find out the real value of the car you are interested in buying and this value is derived by experts from the valuation department at Autodata Middle East and accepted by all leading banks and insurance companies in the UAE.

RTA approved testing centers in Dubai and the Northern Emirates are working closely together with Autodata Middle East and this co-operation has resulted in the launch of an official Car Valuation Certificate. This Car Valuation Certificate is an independent valuation certificate that allows you to know the retail value of a car based on its condition, determined by a comprehensive vehicle test.

Printed on certified paper, this value document is available in three versions:

  1. Car Valuation Certificate when buying or selling a car; understanding the right value in your negotiations is key in defining a good deal for both the buyer and seller.
  2. Finance Valuation Certificate: mandatory document when financing a car.
  3. Insurance Valuation Certificate: defining the correct insurance premium based on an independent value.

Retail valuations on the Car Valuation Certificate are determined by Autodata Middle East. Autodata has been researching vehicle prices throughout the market since 1991 in Europe and 2006 in the UAE. For more information on Autodata please visit